Agency news      10.21.19

Basecamp Fitness win

Basecamp Fitness win

Refining a fitness brand for global rollout without losing

its garage-roots grittiness.
(Yep, another gym win!)

35-minute workout? Sounds easy-ish. It is not. We can say that because we did it. And we’re still talking about it weeks later – in a ‘Wow-that-was-WHEW” kinda way. Originally started by Zappos founder Nick Swinmurn, Basecamp Fitness was acquired in 2018 by Self-Esteem Brands (parent company of Anytime Fitness, the world’s largest fitness franchise), and has enlisted Fame to prepare the brand for aggressive worldwide growth in 2020.

The ultra-high-intensity group workout is designed to increase strength and improve cardio performance – both admirable quests. The origins are rooted in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), combining 60-second intervals on a stationary airbike with a slew of strength training moves, also in 60-second intervals. It zips right along, concluding with an optional 10-minute core workout for the extra-ambitious and/or ab-obsessed.

Our role is to adapt the brand identity and environment/experience to align with the brand promise in a way that’s undeniably Basecamp. Which is to say, nnnnnnot the kind of place where they dab the sweat from your forehead with an herbal-infused iced towel. Mmmmmore the kind of place where they push you ‘til you cry Uncle (or some saltier choice word) – then everyone’s all friends again in the end.