When Best Buy refreshed its iconic blue-and-yellow branding, we extended that new identity across an entire series of traditional and digital gift cards – with the goal of reflecting the brand’s minimalist balance of tech and humanity. We wanted to see just how stretchy the proverbial brand rubber band can be (pretty stretchy as it turns out) – expanding the brand language to say Congrats, Thank You – even Happy Eid al-Adha.
For the past few years, we’ve launched multiple new collections from general tech to holiday and birthday, pushing the boundaries to speak to a myriad of occasions without falling into circle-slash “brand don’t” territory. True, there are many, mannnnny of those made-up social-media holidays we haven’t addressed just yet. (Sorry, Peanut Butter Lover’s Day. Catch ya next year?) But we have alllll the biggies and even the semi-biggies (mediumsies?) more than covered.
These branded holiday designs fall into the SMCGC (Season’s Most Coveted Gift Card) category. Givers should expect an extended play Yassss-Woohoo combo from recipients – and potentially a heartfelt, handwritten thank you note, though we’re not holding our breath on that one.

The birthday series also sticks to the bold Best Buy palette and minimalist geometric brand style, so it’s a quick get for giftees. They’re meant to be for the big annual event, but you could Sharpie-in the word “Half-” for those greedy every-6-month celebrators in your life.